One of our agents had this experience. This contractor wanted her to put in fraudulent claims and he would help. She is smart enough to know about this, but it can be scary. Don’t get sucked in!

Beware SignBeware of Fraudulent Contractors

A few days ago I came home to find a sticky note on my door with instructions to call Kevin.  I called the number provided and on the other end was a gentleman that wanted to convince me to file a claim with my insurance carrier for the damage to my roof from Sandy.  I informed the man that my roof was 35 years old and needed to be replaced.  I also informed him that I had no damage as the result of superstorm Sandy and did not need help to file a claim.  The man persisted in his effort to convince me to file a claim to replace my damaged roof until I informed him that if I did what he asked I would be committing fraud.  You see my roof is old and needs to be replaced so lying to my insurance carrier in an effort to have them pay to replace my roof would be considered insurance fraud.

All New Homeowners Insurance Policies Require Inspection

Homeowners should be wary of this type of situation.  When an insurance carrier issues a new homeowners insurance policy for the first time they order an inspection to be performed.  During this Insurance Inspectioninspection, all discoverable information regarding the property is documented and pictures are taken.  Insurance carriers are very careful and they will thoroughly investigate into every claim submitted to them so it is always best to tell the truth.

The Takeaway to Avoid Insurance Fraud

So make sure that if you are ever put into this type of situation that you do the right thing.  If you’re not sure what to do, contact your agent as soon as possible to ask for advice as to how you should handle the situation.  If you do not have an insurance agent you’re dealing with feel free to call LG Insurance Agency for a free consultation and policy review.  We can help advise you to do the right thing and keep yourself out of trouble!


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